Wednesday, January 6, 2016

10 Things To Do in the New Year

1. Drink more water.
Um, just do it, okay? You can thank me later.

2. Get more sleep.
Was it just me or was 2015 the year of zero rest? Besides winter break I feel like I was just go-go-go all the time and getting more sleep is so beneficial to your health and necessary to live a healthy lifestyle.

3. Eat well.
This one sounds difficult, but I'm not saying go fully raw vegan for the rest of your life (trust me, I've tried). Try to make healthy choices daily while not restricting yourself completely. Get a side salad instead of fries, water instead of a diet coke; these little things can add up!

4. Save your money.
I know, pretty much everything at J.Crew is perfection, but saving money will only help you in the future. Travel plans? College in your future? You need money to do this stuff!

4. Spend some time alone.
It seems like in high school everyone is always constantly with people and need people to survive. I'm not saying relationships aren't good, but everyone needs time to think by themselves and everyone needs to learn to be content with being alone.

5. Say yes to adventure.
This seems like a no-brainer, but try something new! You know that workout class you've always wanted to try, but would look like a fool doing? Yeah, go do it!

6. Make to-do lists.
I'm one of those people that instantly forgets things right after people tell them to me so this is an absolute must to ensure that things get done.

7. Get on a sleep schedule.
Along with sleeping more you should also try to not vary your sleeping too often. Try to get at least eight hours each night consistently.

8. Make your bed.
I mentioned that I want to do this, but seriously you'll feel so much more accomplished.

9. Drink tea.
I'm not sure why but I feel like people that drink tea have their sh** together. And it's a nice way to relax before bed.

10. Enjoy your life.
Be grateful for all that you have. Love your life. If you don't like something change it. Be positive!


P. S. I just noticed that I have two #4's lol

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