Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Pros & Cons of Cutting Your Hair

Oh how I wish for long hair again.

If you don't follow me on twitter (hint hint--go follow me) you might not know that I cut my hair. I can't say for sure how many inches I got off, but let me just say it was a lot. I'm going to have a follow up post soon about my new hair, but for today I'm sharing the pros and cons of cutting your hair. It might totally seem like a good or bad idea (depending on your personality), but here's my point of view from a girl who plunged to get quite a bit chopped off.

Pros // 

+1. It's healthy! Right after I cut my hair I could feel such a difference in the health of my hair. It was much easier to brush and it's overall much more soft. Cutting off at least 4 inches of my hair definitely got rid of all the dead ends so I can start fresh and healthy. 

+2. It's easier + quicker to style. I'll admit that I style my hair every day and it does take effort, but only a portion of the time it used to. It easily used to take me 30 minutes to straighten my hair and even longer to curl it. Now it only takes me about 10 minutes to straighten my hair so doing it every day doesn't take up so much time.

+3. Donating it. I'm sad I didn't think about donating my hair before I cut it. I'm pretty sure I had enough hair to the point that I could have donated it, but now I'm sad because I didn't even think of it. The main reason I didn't plan on donating it was just because I didn't think I was going to get that much off. This is a pro because donating your hair is something so kind that you can do!

+4. Buns are fun. When I had long hair it was so difficult for me to wear my hair in cute topknots just because there was so. much. hair. Now I love wearing my hair in little buns!

Cons // 

-1. It's a big change. After cutting my hair I actually realized I liked my old hair a lot. It was easy because it was long and I could always wear it natural (and I always did) because I was too lazy to actually do it. With short hair it's annoying because I always have to straighten it.

-2. Say goodbye to a lot of hairstyles. I'm not saying having short hair isn't fun, but I didn't totally realize what I had in store for myself. Two of my favorite hairstyles include high ponytails and side braids, two hairstyles I can no longer wear. It's a rough change just because I was so used to wearing my hair like this all the time.

-2. Natural is a no no. This may not apply to you! If you have gorgeous hair that you love wearing short and natural #goyou! But for me...I absolutely hate my natural hair when it's short. I'm glad I waited until the end of the summer because then I'm not constantly on the go without time to do my hair. I straighten my hair every single day now (even if it's just going in a ponytail!).

-3. The ends flip out. To be honest I like the look of dead hair. It adds texture and looks cool to me. Now that my hair is totally healthy the ends aways flip out whenever I style it. It actually bothers me more than it should! I don't like this look and I just want them to stay down ha ha.

-4. It's a constant struggle. Either the hairstyle is perfect for short hair but takes too much time and effort (beachy, textured waves) or your hair is too short! It's always a constant struggle because it seems like every style I want to try is somehow out of reach.

I hope these tips helped you consider the pros & cons before you decide to take the plunge into short hair. 

What are the pros & cons of your current hair length?



  1. I totally feel your pain! I love the thought of cutting my hair short but when it comes down to it I always end up missing my long hair!

    xx Ally
    Alexandria Nicole

    1. Exactly! It always seems like such a good idea, but then is it totally worth it? I feel like I sacrificed too much! Thank you for your comment!
