Monday, May 16, 2016

The Final Days of High School

This is officially my last week of high school and it feels totally surreal. It seems like not that long ago that I first walked through the front doors, braces and all, not ready to face the next four years. After four years of going to the same school I still feel like there are so many people to meet and so many things to do, but I'm happily satisfied with my high school career. During the first few months of high school I actually almost transferred to the school I was going to go to originally. After sticking it out for two years I realized there was no reason to switch because I had plenty of friends here and so many reasons to stay.

I'm very glad I ended up staying at my school because it's where my dad and all his siblings went, where my sister when and where my brother goes. It just wouldn't seem right to transfer to a private school in the same town when my family has been going to this particular schools for years.

With all that said I am so grateful for the amazing experiences I have had at this school in particular drill team and badminton. I honestly will never understand how people go through high school without joining at least one club, sport or extracurricular activity. It seriously makes the high school experience all the more enjoyable. I think what I'll miss most are the Friday night football games under the lights and performing at halftime. And the hardest thing is that I'll be so far away that I can't even come home for a weekend to come see my brother play at his football games. Although I'm leaving some things behind there is so much to look forward to in the future. California will for sure be an entirely new adventure and one that I am so incredibly excited to embark on. It's a daunting thought at first, flying 2,000 miles away from home to live on your own where you know no one, but it's thrilling as well. There's something so enticing about an entirely fresh start where you can be whoever you like and no one knows who you were in high school or what town you're from.

As these final days dawn upon me I am eager to finally end the school year (and be free from calculus that has killed me the entire year), but also feeling nostalgic to my first years here and also the amazing people I have met here. By the end of my senior year I feel like I have found who my true friends are and I'm happy to say I have spent so much time with my best friends this school year I can't wait to spend the last summer before college will all of my best friends before we all head to college in the fall.

Cheers to the teenage years, but the best is yet to come!


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