Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Quick Fixes for Dirty Hair

Being a senior and with a constant running to-do list I've found that washing my hair has consistently been moved down to the bottom of my list. Whether it's finishing up a college essay or working on a school project or even writing a blog post, I always want to put these things before washing my hair.

During the school week I don't like to wash my hair every day because a. I really don't need to, b. it saves me so much time and c. I'm way too lazy to! My hair has a natural texture to it so washing it every day truly isn't necessary. With very little time to spare during the week I'd rather spend it doing something productive rather than washing my hair. This might sound gross to some, but desperate times call for desperate measures. 

So, what do you do when your hair is dirty and you have to go to school? It is the absolute worst when you're at school and all you can help but think about is how gross your hair feels and even worse, how gross it looks. Here are my top tips to fighting greasy hair without washing it.

+Dry shampoo is your best friend
For the longest time I wanted to try dry shampoo but I seriously had no use for it. I was washing my hair every day, so it was never dirty, and dry shampoo just seemed like a waste when it wasn't needed. Now I absolutely love dry shampoo. I use the Paul Mitchell dry shampoo and I really don't have any complaints about it. All I have to say is not to use it unless your hair is actually oily. I find that my second day hair doesn't look much different from my first, so usually I only add a little bit of dry shampoo.

+Play with texture
When your hair is dirty it tends to have a little bit more texture to it so definitely take full advantage of that texture. Add some loose curls, a messy braid or bun or even just a wild ponytail. Using the texture of your dirty hair will make your hair have so much more body to it.

+Braids & buns
Whenever my hair is gross I try to stray from just wearing it straight down where all of the oil is completely visible. Definitely change up your hair style by adding a braid or throwing your hair tiny a bun. This will distract from the oil and make people focus on the awesome hairstyle you're rocking!

+Don't touch your hair
I have a bad habit of touching my hair in general, but when your hair is dirty all you're going to do is add more oil (from your fingertips) to your hair. It's only going to make your situation worse! Trust me, you can survive the day without fixing your hair every 5 minutes.

+If all fails, add a hat
For those girls that are in school this might not be an option, but if you're not at school you can definitely do this. If nothing is making your hair look any better just throw a hat on your head. Hats can be super stylish too! In the summer I love wearing baseball caps, but for the fall and winter months try a beanie or a felt hat!

What are your tips for dealing with dirty hair?