Friday, May 29, 2015


It's summer! I could not be more happy that summer has finally arrived. Those last few finals were rough and I had zero motivation to end the school year on a strong note. Thankfully I only had three actual finals this year and two final projects. But now it's summer and I couldn't be more excited! I think this summer is going to be so much fun and then going into senior year will bring along more fun. Oh, I'm just so excited! I'm hoping that you too are done with school or getting done soon at least!

Here's a few links to start off your weekend!

+BuzzFeed compiled the best senior quotes and they are seriously too funny. I loved reading all of them!

+Summer has arrived and one of my top goals this summer is to actually utilize my Instagram account. Stay tuned and be sure you're following me @sprinklesofkate

+An amazing core workout to start your summer off right and get that beach body!

+Feeling nostalgic? I couldn't help but get psyched for my last final today while listening to "What Time Is It"

+All I've been reading recently is Gal Meets Glam; Julia is seriously my new obsession

+Dying to try this lemonade recipe and this limeade recipe!

Have a great weekend!



  1. Those lemonade and limeade recipes sound delicious! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls
